How Does A Successful Restaurant Manager Build A Team? Here Are Four Tips That You Should Follow

1. Push your staff

Due to the lack of ideological understanding, many store managers often make the same mistake in practical work: practicing a “hands-off” attitude.
Laissez-faire employees are actually your greatest source of distrust. Some managers would say they trust their staff, and after handing over the work, they don’t check in on the progress of their team. They would not ask if the staff needed any help or provide any suggestions. This in return, led to the manager’s “full trust” being exchanged with the complaints and distrust of his employees, which might even cause a misstep.
Laissez-faire is the main culprit for the burial or loss of talents. People tend to hesitate and retreat especially when faced with major problems or tasks. When encountering this kind of situation, managers must handle it carefully. When a problem occurs, you have to stay in touch with your employees, communicate with several responsible persons by phone, listen to their reports, and make suggestions. Interfering so frequently may appear to be distrust of your employees; on the contrary, it is actually absolute trust in their ability to complete the job.
In addition to sharing the joy of staged results together with the team, the process is enjoyable, as well as helping to discover problems or new innovations early on in the process and optimizing them immediately, saving time and avoiding detours as well.
Discover the problems is like finding the last piece of the puzzle that makes the team better(Image Credit-Google)

2. Be good at discovering the strengths and the shortcomings of employees and helping them overcome

Even the most talented team consists of ordinary employees. Effective managers make full use of their employees’ strengths and compensate for their weaknesses.
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses; seeing only the weaknesses of the employees, or only the strengths of the employees, is the last thing a responsible manager should do. Ignoring and neglecting employees’ weaknesses can lead to these weaknesses becoming ‘fatal wounds’ that will eventually destroy them. Meanwhile, “only” using your strengths and not addressing your weaknesses will make employees think that their work in the company only results in output; they will think they have no growth here. Because although they play to their strengths, their weaknesses are not well improved in practice.
Many managers are worried about the loss of personnel. In fact, making up for shortcomings can capture the hearts of employees. This is because the person who knows you best is yourself, but you are most afraid to face yourself.
Sometimes your employee knows what he can’t do, but he is too embarrassed to say it directly. Then, he will be confused and tangled and will need someone to help him urgently. Therefore, it is the responsibility of you, the manager, to encourage them to correct their bad habits and make up for their weaknesses.
If you make your employees feel that you will not abandon them but guide them to correct their own shortcomings, they will be full of self-confidence and burst out with an unimaginable passion for work. You, as a manager, are the person who could lead the troops and shapes the team to be cohesive and unbreakable.
(Image Credit-Google)

3. Set an example and take the lead in demonstrating

In many cases, whether a task can start to move forward depends on the personal demonstration of the store manager. The working environment of the entire team will not be satisfied without your action as a manager. Taking the lead often gives employees confidence, because you are their “backbone”, and this action is influential
In addition, as a manager, you must be daring and able to make a decision.

4. Appreciate your employees

You must appreciate your subordinates. They have their own advantages, but you cannot lower the requirements for them. High standards are not only responsible for their work, but also for their growth.
Many managers mistakenly believe that appreciating subordinates and strict standards are opposites. Either they strictly require subordinates to never appreciate them, or they only see their subordinates’ strengths and think that they are good at everything, and simply let them go without high standards.
A manager with low standards reflects their own low level, resulting in low expectations for employees resulting in them not believing that their employees can do high-standard work.
Adopting high standards as a requirement for each employee to work, so that employees develop high-standard habits, is actually a kind of improvement for the manager himself, which in turn can win employees’ admiration and appreciation.

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