High Quality But Not Profitable? 5 Business Ideas To Teach You On How To Run An Efficient Restaurant

If you have an experienced chef, but the restaurant business is never in good shape, you may be missing out on the following 5 types of business thinking!

1. Keep Learning

Many chefs start to work from the grass-roots position, and through continuous accumulation of work experience and personal hard work, their working ability improves continuously, and eventually, to become the head chef or the shop manager, and a few outstanding talents even become part of the management or general partner of the restaurants.
On the contrary, there are also some F&B practitioners who are addicted to playing video games or gambling, end up achieving nothing and regretting it after many years.
Apart from the fact that everyone has different pursuits, why is there such a big difference in career development for the same kind of people? The answer is that environment shapes people. An upward environment makes a person excellent, while a degenerate environment corrupts a person’s mentality. So what should restaurant workers do in the face of this situation? The answer is to keep learning. The so-called learning changes destiny means that any excellent business or classroom is the key point to change.

2. Profit from the Menu

If the menu planning is wrong, then the kitchen efforts are in vain.
(1) Is the menu just an ordinary ordering tool? In contemporary society, menus can change customers’ minds, reduce restaurant costs, improve staff efficiency, and improve operating profits; it directly affects the sales volume of the restaurant and is the expression of the brand concept, silent interactive marketing, and the restaurant profit model.
(2) Reflect a complete product system in the menu and display key special dishes, so as to create a profitable brand. For example, use the “the most attractive dishes + the most popular dishes + dishes with overriding price + must-order dishes + the best combination dishes” model to design the menu.

3. Flavor Development

Restaurant operators have seen the world but do not understand the development of food; while chefs can develop food but lack of top-level product development thinking. As a result, the entire restaurant has no scientific and professional learning, and can only rely on personal experience or copy others to continue the business.

4. Insight into Trends

The F&B industry is now in a recruitment dilemma. It is difficult to hire enough staff who meet the requirements, and fewer and fewer young people are choosing to work in the restaurant industry.In many cities in Japan, Europe, and the US, labor costs in the F&B industry are rising, overtaking housing as the second largest cost in this industry.
The essence of all business competition is efficiency: operation efficiency, capital efficiency, and the efficiency of obtaining guests; but the core variables of efficiency competition in the future F&B industry will become: equalization, digitalization, intelligentization, chain system, supply chain, and partners, etc.

5. Supply Chain

Nowadays, the use of supply chains in the F&B industry has become very common. When restaurants face the challenges of balancing taste, standardization, replicability, and cross-region delivery, it is difficult to meet the current demand for speed and quality if they do not have a deep understanding of the supply chain and integrate the strengths of each supply chain, and finally work with partners to build a quality and efficient supply chain system. The above five ideas are the fundamental requirements for a restaurant operator to move from product-oriented operation mode to efficient operation mode.
Small restaurants should transition from the single product mode to the store operation mode from the supply chain, menu design, and flavor development three factors, and eventually propose solutions and improvements.

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