Do These 6 Things Well At The End Of The Year, And Staff Will Always Be Full Of Energy!

Indeed, the staff’s quality of service is related to a restaurant’s life and death. So how should restaurant managers tap employees’ potential and make them the “engine” for the restaurant to move forward?


1. 13 laws to improve work efficiency

Create a time management plan;
Develop a sense of fast rhythm;
Learn to authorize;
Efficient meetings;
Neat and tidy;
Concentrate, start, and finish;
Simplify the workflow;
Do it well once and do it well every time;
Overcome procrastination and do it now;
Things will be completed on the same day;
Make good use of scattered time;
Take advantage of time-saving tools;
Efficient reading method.


2. Good management comes from supervision!

What are you staring at? When the team’s maturity is not high, you should focus on the status of the employee to motivate him, focus on the growth of the employee to train him, and monitor the employee’s progress to check on him. Especially when the team is not mature enough, you must keep an eye on it! For mature, knowledgeable workers, don’t stare too much, do the opposite!

3. The layout work should be clear about these 6 points

Results: Let employees confirm the results of the work clearly;
Standards: Clear work acceptance criteria, including timeliness;
Value: Explain to employees the importance of the work (contribution, value);
Resources: Tell employees how many resources they have available (human, financial, and property);
Responsibility: Make sure that employees are committed to the results, and how to be responsible if they fail to do so.
Incentives: Give employees benefit expectations and what they can gain if they do a good job.

4. McKinsey’s 7 steps to problem-solving

The famous seven-step poem:
Define the problem (state the problem);
Decompose the problem (problem tree);
Prioritize (use the funnel method to remove all non-critical problems);
Issue analysis (make a detailed work plan); Analysis;
Synthetic Suggestion (synthesize the findings and construct an argument);
Communication (connect the data with the argument and tell the story).

5. 5 things managers need to know

The shorter, the better; remember, you also have to pay the employees who sit quietly;
Failure to cultivate your subordinates’ trust in you is equal to defeat before a battle;
Occasionally listen to how employees evaluate you;
Never hold grudges against your subordinates; only fools hate teeth that have bitten their tongues;
Cultivate the team’s ability to dance in shackles. The shackles are the rules but you have to be careful to not tighten the shackles; otherwise, you will continue to stay in shackles.

6. 3 ways to motivate employees

1) Caring and Incentive Method
The caring incentive method is to care for employees to stimulate their enthusiasm and creativity. It belongs to the emotional content, the “economics of love”. That is, don’t invest in capitals; as long as you inject emotional factors such as care and love, you can get output.
There are three specific methods:
First, care about the health of employees. Caring for the health of subordinates is not only conducting regular physical examinations but also actively improving the working environment and working conditions as well as reducing intensity. When the subordinates are very busy with work or work overtime, the managers should walk around the scene, give care, and send a warm message to show understanding and support.
Second, care about the lives of employees. When conditions permit, care should be taken for the lives of employees, especially for the cadres above the middle-level group, so that they feel that their work has a bright future and their dreams have hope; when in reality, their living conditions are poor, and everyone is still struggling with to afford food and clothing. While worrying about their problems, no amount of propaganda slogans can keep their morale high for a long time. In the end, excellent talents cannot be retained.
Third, care about the relatives of employees. Such caring, in turn, can motivate employees. If there is a “fire” or “death of a relative” in someone’s house, in addition to some funding from the company, if necessary, visit them and see it in person. Although this method is ordinary, it has far-reaching significance and significant effects.
2) Respect and incentives
The respect incentive method is to be willing to ask your subordinates for opinions, and you need to use the practice of important and meritorious officials to make employees feel their importance to the organization and show that you care about their ideas.
The specific method is as follows:
First, respect subordinates.
1) When you communicate with your subordinates, don’t just tell them what to do, but use your persuasion skills to urge them to do what you need them to do by pointing out the benefits they can gain by doing so.
2) When your subordinates give you their opinions and suggestions, even if they are not all right, you must listen attentively because they must have spent a lot of time preparing before speaking to you. If you listen actively and ask him for countermeasures, then Subordinates must try to make unsolicited suggestions. If such a leadership style is formed, subordinates can be encouraged to think positively and forge ahead instead of complaining and venting their grievances in front of the leader all day long.
3) Make formal or informal evaluations of the work of your subordinates at regular intervals. It is worth noting that before you state your evaluation, ask them how they evaluate themselves.
Secondly, respect the needs of employees.
The people are the most important factor in an enterprise, and it is natural to pay attention to people’s needs. However, in actual work, there are often misplacements, for example, the emphasis on the pursuit of capital return, ignoring the importance of personnel needs.
When the return of funds is blocked, or a machine breaks down, the business leaders will study and solve it all night long. However, when the subordinates are not suitable for work or complain, the business leaders often turn a blind eye to and even interpret it one-sidedly as the low quality of employees. This is detrimental to the development of the enterprise. When employees feel that they are not as valuable as a machine of the company, their state of mind can be imagined.
Third, respect administrative logistics personnel.
The practice of emphasizing marketing and ignoring administration has become a reality in some companies. For example, a company is like a big tree. No matter how big a tree is, it is inseparable from its trunk, branches, leaves, etc. Their existence is a need, but the division of labour is different. Both are indispensable. If one is incomplete, it will directly affect the rest. Growth, development, and even death.
Fourth, respect heroes.
The achievement of victory is certainly due to the achievements of the commander, but it is also inseparable from the efforts of the executors. Therefore, it is necessary to respect the heroes and praise them directly and openly in front of their colleagues and personnel from other units. This has two functions: one is to inspire the heroes to work harder and the second is to inspire others to learn from the heroes.
3) Emotional motivation method
Emotional motivation is a method of stimulating employee morale by establishing an intimate and harmonious atmosphere within a group. Research in management psychology shows that if the dominant emotions in a group are friendliness, friendship, satisfaction, understanding, happiness, etc; a psychological atmosphere of this group is positive. On the contrary, if the dominant emotions in a group are hostility, quarrel, etc., fraud, conflict, etc., then the psychological atmosphere of this group is negative.
An organization with a negative atmosphere is a group of mobs lacking combat effectiveness, and the mob is obviously not conducive to the realization of the overall goals of the enterprise. As business leaders, we should try our best to eliminate this negative atmosphere and create a positive one instead.

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