
What do you need to prepare to have your own brand of white-label POS?

A CEO with 25 years of experience in POS industry said: “Choosing a partner is more important than choosing a product, Choosing a partner is more important than getting a good price!”

Now, after several months of communication and investigation, you have chosen your white-label POS partner. What do you need to prepare to develop your brand of POS software for you?

White Label POS Solutions

Take the technical solution of Orderpin, a cloud white-label POS  provider, as an example. You only need to provide the following materials:

1. Product name

Just like giving a name to a newborn baby, requires a nice, memorable, and lucky name, you should give your brand product a good name. If you already have one, you can reuse it.

2. Product logo

You need to design a beautiful logo for your brand’s product and provide a corresponding image according to our size and resolution requirements.

3.Apply for a domain name

Apply for a domain name corresponding to your brand name and complete the registration with the domain name agency. This way, you can use it in marketing promotion. and the domain name will be used in the product, such as when you configuring the online ordering feature for your merchant.


After all the above information is prepared, our engineering team can deliver a POS software of your brand to you within a few days after receiving these materials. We will complete the server deployment and deliver a complete set of products such as the Android client APP and IOS platform APP of the POS software to you, and you can start to experience and test it.

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