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6 Proven Effective Online Promotion Methods

Currently, one of the most effective methods of promoting a product is by promoting it online. Besides being effective, online promotion is also much easier, and cheaper, and the results can be more measurable.
Therefore, you must be able to master how to promote products online so that your business has greater opportunities to grow. So, how do you do it? Here are six simple ways to promote your products online.

1. Using E-commerce

You can join e-commerce and take advantage of the platform as a medium for promoting your product. Indirectly, when your store and products are listed on e-commerce, you have the opportunity for your shop or product to be seen by your potential customers. This can happen when the keywords entered by potential customers match the name of your store or e-commerce product.
Therefore, here are some things you can do to make your store or products in e-commerce attractive:
Name: A store or product’s name, to its description, is very important in order to increase the chances of your item being seen by potential customers. Know what keywords your potential customers usually use when they want to buy similar products that you sell.
Description: A good description of the item can be described and explained in detail, both in terms of its condition, specifications, sizes, and how to use the product you are selling. Make it as clear and as concise as possible to grab the attention and convince your customers.
Smooth Communication: Communicating with your customers is the key to a customer’s trust. So, aside from having to respond quickly to your customers, communications such as requests for opinions about your product and customer input, are just as essential to make communication smooth.
Promotion: Promotion referred to here is a promotion in the form of advertisements or keywords provided directly by e-commerce. These promotions generally have low costs and are easy to use. Through this promotion, you will get more exposure.

2. Utilize Social Media

The second way to promote your product or business online is through social media. The social media that are currently most in demand by the people of Indonesia are Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. In general, each social media has its own user characteristics, such as Instagram and Tiktok which are more in demand by teenagers whereas Facebook is the social media that is most used by parents.
To optimize promotions using social media, you must know the ins and outs and the algorithms of each social media that you will use. With that, it is hoped that you will get more optimal results. For example, you have to pay attention to things like how often to upload content in a week, the right time to post content, what content is suitable for your product, and to pay attention to the comments on each of your posts.
For even more optimal results, you can advertise your content on these platforms to create more exposure such as Facebook ads that you can use on Instagram and Facebook. Through Facebook ads, you can determine costs, your audience’s radius, customer behaviour, and more.

3. Collaboration with Influencers

There is also an online product promotion method that is widely used by various types of businesses, namely by collaborating with influencers. This method can also be an alternative when you are still developing your social media business. With the help of influencers, you will be able to reach a large audience without the need to wait for your social media rate to rise first which takes a long time.
Apart from that, make sure you choose influencers who can represent your product well and have the real impact that you expect. In simple terms, choose the most suitable influencer to bring your product to the public domain. You can also choose influencers who have hobbies that are aligned with your product.
For example, if you sell cooking utensils, then you can partner with influencers such as chefs who have graduated from cooking competitions on TV and celebrity chefs. Or, if you sell headscarves, choose a female influencer with the personality and habits to match the outfit.

4. Pay attention to SEO in creating content

The next way to promote online products is to optimize SEO. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is currently widely used to promote business websites or blogs. If you want your business website to appear in the top search results of Google Search, then you must be able to create SEO-friendly content.
For example, let’s say you sell auto equipment. When people search for information with the keyword ‘cheap car jack’, your website should appear in the top search results. You can use the services of a trusted digital marketer or SEO service to help develop SEO on your website. However, if you already understand, you don’t need to seek help from other parties anymore.

5. Google Ads

Next, there is a fairly easy way to promote online products, namely by using Google Ads. Google Ads can show your business to your potential customers when they search for related businesses via Google search and Google Maps. You can pay according to the results you want, such as how many clicks to go to your website or how many people called you because they saw the Google Ads ads.
For example, still related to the previous point regarding the search for a ‘cheap car jack’, Google will display search results in the form of product images and their prices. From there, you can make your online store website appear as a top search. This way of promoting online products is more practical and instant than using SEO. However, you have to pay a little more to make Google Ads like this.

6. WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp is usually used by the general public as a medium for exchanging messages. However, now WhatsApp has launched a new feature, namely WhatsApp Business which you can use as a way to promote your business online practically.
Make sure you save your potential customer’s phone number so that your status can be reached by a wider audience. Apart from that, you can also complete your WA Business profile to make it look more professional. Other ways to look more professional is by uploading an attractive profile photo, filling in shop operating hours, completing a product catalog along with real product photos, and setting up auto text to help you provide fast response services.
Those are some methods to promote online products that you can apply to grow your business. So, of the six methods above, which have you tried?

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